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Content tagging in Joomla

Content tagging in Joomla

Posted On : September 11, 2013

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Every joomla user wants a content tagging. While this is already available feature in core in WordPress, but in Joomla we had to install additional component to have such feature. So now the wait is over as Joomla 3.1 has content tagging. Feature that is easy to use and implement.

So here is the benefits of using Joomla tags in joomla websites.s.

The practical aspects if visitor of your site is interested about some terms or subjects, user can simply click the tag to get a list of all pages related to this term on your site.

The other benefit of the content tagging is optimization of your site for, google search search engines. Search engines, such as Google, will index all your tags, as when somebody searches a single term of your website which would be available between your tags, this gives the more chances that your site will appear higher in the results if you are using content tagging in your website.

So now content tagging is part of the joomla and its uses is simple and effective.
• Tagging is integrated into all core components
• Extensions developers can easily add tagging to their extensions

Adding tags in Joomla articles

Make sure your site is running in Joomla 3.1 or later. If not, you should upgrade your site using core Joomla Update component. We had to do some necessery changes on our templates to include Joomla tagging feature.

From Article Manager, click any of your articles. On the right side of the Edit Article page, you will see a new field: Tags. You can enter one or more tags in this field. Just enter any word or phrase and hit Enter. You can remove tags by clicking close(X) on the created tags.

Your tags will appear in the content page under the heading.Tags are in the DIV element with class ‘tag’ which allows us to style the tag links easily. Click on any tag link will open a new page. This page lists all content pages that has this specific tag allowing visitors to find related content on your site easily.

If you are familiar with WordPress or used any other resource component in joomla, then you are already well known about content tagging. Now since Joomla 3.1, we have this feature in core Joomla and it’s not needed to install any additional component or software t get the content tagging feature, its very easy to use and manage and useful feature.

  • Tags:
